
We're proud to stand with those who support grow and strengthen our rural communities.

Community Hero Banner

Right from the start Rabobank has stood with communities


We were originally set up as a banking cooperative in the Netherlands to help farmers support each other in business and make sure that rural communities were treated fairly.

Strong communities are at the heart of New Zealand’s agribusiness and farming sectors. That’s why we lend our support and help great organisations who work hard to grow and strengthen our rural communities, now and for the future.

Giving back to a community that gives so much to us all

Surfing for Farmers

Taking to the waves to reduce stress

When the stresses of farm life, feel like you’re being hit by one wave after another, Surfing for Farmers helps you catch the next wave and ride it.

Launched in Gisborne in 2018, Surfing for Farmers encourages farmers to take a couple of hours each week to head to the surf to stay on top of their stress and mental health. The programme also runs in the Bay of Plenty and Canterbury. Supporting rural health is important to our Client Councils and we’re proud to support the Surfing for Farmers initiative.

Surfing for Farmers


Spotting the signs of stress

Rabobank’s Agri-managers work closely with our rural clients helping with businesses. We also keep a weather eye out for them in other ways.

The GoodYarn Workshops help participants recognise and respond appropriately to friends, family or farming colleagues suffering from stress or mental illness. Rabobank is pleased to support this programme and many of our Agribusiness Managers have completed the workshop.

Good Yarn

Good Deeds

Lending a helping hand to community projects

There are some fantastic and important rural initiatives out there in our communities. Good Deeds is all about making them happen.

Each year community projects can apply to win $5,000 to make the project happen. One lucky project gets a financial boost. Teams from Rabobank and The Country radio show also get stuck in by lending helping hands. We donate a day of free labour to get the project moving. It’s a great opportunity to give some hands-on help to worthy causes.

Good Deeds Thumbnail

A strong future for New Zealand farming

Rural Leaders

Growing the farming leaders of the future

Rural Leaders develops the special leadership capability that will help our rural communities flourish.

This great organisation nurtures two foremost leadership programmes for the primary sector: Kellogg Rural Leadership Programme and Nuffield New Zealand Farming Scholars. Rural Leaders also works to build connections and strengthen its alumni network. Supporting future leaders of the rural industry is important to Rabobank.

Rural Leaders

Smedley Station & Cadet Training Farm

Raising New Zealand’s next generation

Based in Hawke’s Bay, Smedley Station and Cadet Training Farm helps youngsters gain the skills, knowledge and experience they’ll need to successfully grow their rural careers.

Smedley’s high quality, accredited farming courses offers hands-on training for young farmers. The two-year training course gives cadets experience in every aspect of sheep, cattle and deer farming. Rabobank is proud to provide bursaries to cadets who want to take on further agricultural studies and progress their agricultural career.
