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Online Savings Interest Rates

These interest rates apply to our online savings accounts only. For in branch deposit rates please click here.

All interest rates on this page are percentage per annum (p.a.) and are shown before the deduction of taxes.

Interest rates are subject to change.

Already a customer? Login to get started.

Term Deposits

Last updated: 

Invest with as little as $1,000 and choose a term that suits you from 1 month and up to 5 years.

Term Deposits are available to Personal, Children's, Trust^ & Business^ accounts.


TermsStandard interest†Monthly (interim)Quarterly (interim)Six-monthly (interim)
1 month%---
3 months%---
6 months%---
9 months%---
1 year%%%%
15 months%%%-
18 months%%%%
2 years%%%%
3 years%%%%
4 years%%%%
5 years%%%%


† Standard Interest payments are paid on maturity only for terms up to 18 months, and annually for terms 2 years or greater. All interest rates on this page are percentage per annum (p.a.) and are shown before the deduction of taxes. Rabobank Online Savings does not currently offer a compounding interest option for Term Deposits. The interest rates listed here are for deposits up to $5 million and are subject to change without notice. Minimum investment is $1,000.00. For rates on deposits over $5 million please call us on 0800 22 44 33. Early withdrawal fees may apply. Refer to the Rabobank Online Savings Terms & Conditions for more information. 

^Please take note that we no longer accept applications for new Trust or Business customers and the Savings Rates shown here apply to existing account holders only.


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Earn a great variable interest rate by providing 60 days' notice each time you wish to make a withdrawal. 

Account typesInterest rateNotice periodMinimum balanceFees
Personal%60 days***$0None
Children's%60 days***$0None
Trust^%60 days***$0None
Business^%60 days***$0None


*** 60 days' notice must be given each time you wish to withdraw funds from your account. See the NoticeSaver page for more information.

^Please take note that we no longer accept applications for new Business or Trust customers and the Savings Rates shown here apply to existing account holders only.


Last updated: 

Earn a premium interest rate if you increase your balance by $50 per month.**

Account types

Maximum rateMinimum rateWthdrawalsFeesBonus Criteria
Personal%*%UnlimitedNoneIncrease balance by $50 per month **
Children's%*%UnlimitedNoneIncrease balance by $50 per month **

* On balances up to $100,000. Any balances above this up to $5 million will earn the standard RaboSaver rate.

**If the required minimum $50 monthly balance increase is not achieved, a rate of  p.a. will apply to the total PremiumSaver balance for that month. 

RaboSaver + PurposeSaver

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RaboSaver makes it easy to move money around into other accounts and still get a competitive rate.

Account typesTier 1 ($0 - $5m)Tier 2 ($5m plus)Minimum balanceFeesWithdrawal penalties
Personal % %$0NoneNone
Children's % %$0NoneNone
Trust^ % %$0NoneNone
Business^% %$0NoneNone


^Please take note that we no longer accept applications for new Business or Trust customers and the Savings Rates shown here apply to existing account holders only.