Internet and Mobile Banking will be offline for scheduled maintenance from 12am to 8am Sunday 30 March 2025.

Your Rights

You have certain rights with regard to your Personal Information. For example, the right to request access to the information that we process about you, and the right to have it corrected if we have incorrectly recorded your information. You will find more information about your rights and how you can submit a request on this page.

Right of access

You may ask us whether we process Personal Information relating to you, and if we do, which information this concerns. In that case, we can provide you with access to the Personal information processed by us that relates to you.

If you are an existing client, we request that you first access online banking to check if you already have access to the information you are requesting. Otherwise, you can submit a request to access your information by completing this form. We are required to verify your identity when you make the request, including the identity of any authorised individuals making the request on your behalf.

When completing the form, please provide the following to assist us in processing your request in a timely manner:

  • Specify the information you wish to access, so we can quickly source that information for you.
  • If you are a legal guardian or authorised representative making the request on another individual’s behalf, the appropriate authorisation document.

You will receive a response to your request within 20 working days. We may ask you to clarify your request and we will keep you updated should we require more time for processing.

We may, in certain circumstances, deny access to particular information. We will inform you in writing if this happens. The written response will detail:

  • The reason for denial, if we are allowed to provide it under law; and
  • Channels for you to make a complaint regarding the denial.

We will strive to find any alternate ways to provide you with access should one of these circumstances arise.

Right to correction

This right means that you can ask us to change your information or to make additions if you think that your Personal Information has been processed incorrectly or incompletely.

You can submit a request for correction by completing this form. We are required to verify your identity when you make the request, including the identity of any authorised individuals making the request on your behalf.

When completing the form, please provide the following to assist us in processing your request:

  • That you want to make a request for the right to correction.
  • What changes to your information you want to have done.

You will receive a response to your request within 20 working days. We may ask you to clarify your request and we will keep you updated should we require more time for processing.

We may, in certain circumstances, deny correction to particular information. We will inform you in writing if this happens. The written response will detail:

  • The reason for denial, if we are allowed to provide it under law; and
  • Channels for you to make a complaint regarding the denial.

Right to deletion

You can ask us in certain situations to delete information that we have recorded about you. We may have to comply with legal requirements to retain information for certain periods which means that we may not be able to legally delete your information earlier.

You can submit your request for information deletion to us by completing this form. We are required to verify your identity when you make your request, including the identity of any authorised individuals making the request on your behalf.

When completing the form, please provide the following to assist us in processing your request:

  • That you want to make a request for the right to information erasure..
  • Which information you want to delete.

You will receive a response to your request within 20 working days. We may ask you to clarify your request and we will keep you updated should we require more time for processing.

We may, in certain circumstances, deny deletion of that particular information. We will inform you in writing if this happens. The written response will detail:

  • The reason for denial, if we are allowed to provide it under law; and
  • Channels for you to make a complaint regarding the denial.

Right to object to data processing

You can object to Rabobank using your Personal Information for its own legitimate interests.

If we process your information because we have a legitimate interest in doing so, for example if we make recordings of telephone calls but this is not required by law, you may object to this.

In that case, we will reassess whether your information can continue to be used for that purpose. For example, we would need to consider if we are required to process information to meet a legal obligation or to fulfil a contractual obligation with you and whether the processing has any negative impact on you. If this is the case, we will inform you of our decision to continue to process your information, stating the reason so you may make an informed decision.

You can submit a request for objection to the processing of information by completing this form. We are required to verify your identity when you make your request, including the identity of any authorised individuals making the request on your behalf.

When completing the form, please provide the following to assist us in processing your request:

  • That you want to submit a request for the right to object to the processing of information.
  • Which information you object to being processed.

You will receive a response to your request within 20 working days. We may ask you to clarify your request and we will keep you updated should we require more time for processing.

We may, in certain circumstances, deny your objection to processing particular information. We will inform you in writing if this happens. The written response will detail:

  • The reason for denial, if we are allowed to provide it under law; and
  • Channels for you to make a complaint regarding the denial.

Right to restriction of processing

In certain situations, you can ask us to limit the Personal Information that we process about you. For example, you can ask us not to delete certain information after the retention period has expired, because you need this information for legal proceedings.

You can submit a request for restriction of processing by completing this form. We are required to verify your identity when you make your request, including the identity of any authorised individuals making the request on your behalf.

When completing the form, please provide the following to assist us in processing your request:

  • What limitation of processing of which information you request.

You will receive a response to your request within 20 working days. We may ask you to clarify your request and we will keep you updated should we require more time for processing.

We may, in certain circumstances, deny a request to restrict processing of information. We will inform you in writing if this happens. The written response will detail:

  • The reason for denial, if we are allowed to provide it under law; and
  • Channels for you to make a complaint regarding the denial.

For Rabobank Clients: Right to object to direct marketing

You have the right to request that we stop using your information for direct marketing purposes. It may be the case that your objection only relates to being approached through a specific channel, for example if you no longer wish to be contacted by telephone but still want to receive our offerings via e-mail. We will then take steps to ensure you are no longer contacted through the relevant channel. We may be required to contact you even if you have opted-out of direct marketing messages. These are known as service messages, for which you may be entitled to depending on your relationship with us.

  • For Rabobank New Zealand customers: If you wish to stop or change the channel in which we contact you, email us on
  • For Rabobank Online Savings New Zealand customers: If you wish to stop receiving marketing emails from us, let us know at or contact our client services unit on 0800 22 44 33.

Privacy Rights

Rights Request Form

Please fill out our online form below. Once submitted, you will be contacted within 5 business days.

Contact Details

* Mandatory fields

The data in this form is required to process your request and will assist us in verifying your identity upon making the request.